​​Even though Void was sold to 2B Performance Horses in Hillsboro in January 2022, we've kept his page up to track any foals we've had.

This beautiful stallion exemplifies what it means to be a riding draft horse.  With his elegant conformation and flashy color, he always turns heads, yet he also has the willing disposition drafts are known for.  Whether you're breeding him to a heavy mare for a little refinement, or a lighter mare for more bone and heft, this is the type of horse that will give you everything you want.  

Void has the upright headset and flashy movement people love seeing in draft horses, but he's built to ride as smooth as silk - and he passes it on!  Not only that, but Void is one of the few colored stallions standing publicly, and he is currently in training to become one of the best known Sendera Draft Horses.  Keep your eye on him to follow his upcoming show career.

SDHR mares, Sendera Sporthorse mares, and mares declared as an approved cross, may have foals registered with the Sendera Draft Horse Registry.  He is also available to other mares to potentially produce quality Sendera Sporthorse foals.

**The individual registries have the final approval of the foals and the right to approve or deny registration.

Contact 2B Performance Horses for more information and to learn more about Breeding Fees and the registration options available.

As of 2022 - Into the Void is now owned by

2B Performance Horses

For any breeding questions, please contact 2B Performance Horses by clicking the link.

** DLS will continue to list Void on our site, as a reference stallion, but we no longer own him and have NO vested interest in him or any of his foals. 

DNA Tested at Animal Genetics:





MH - N/N


LP - LP/lp

​PATN1 - N/N

2B Performance Horses

Year: 2014

Breed: Sendera Draft

Draft Percentage: 88%

Height: 16.1 hands

Color: Black; Blanket; Varnish Roan

Genome: Ee/aa/LPlp